Electronic Components

2024 DRAM & NAND Flash Price Trends and Shortages

February 8, 2024
Electronic Components

2024 DRAM & NAND Flash Price Trends and Shortages

February 8, 2024

Preparing for 2024 DRAM and NAND Flash Pricing Challenges and Potential Shortages

DRAM and NAND Flash Shortages

Lately, the memory market has seen considerable volatility, affecting the contract prices of both DRAM and NAND Flash.

Speculation about a possible shortage in the latter half of 2024 is driven by information indicating that top manufacturers, such as Samsung, Micron, and SK Hynix, have reduced their production outputs to increase the DRAM and NAND Flash prices. This has raised concerns about the availability and price stability of these components.

Understanding the Emerging DRAM Shortage

The semiconductor industry is currently abuzz with speculation regarding a potential DRAM shortage. According to TrendForce, DRAM contract prices are estimated to increase by approximately 13-18% in the first quarter of 2024.

The potential shortage can be traced back to a series of market adjustments following an oversupply and subsequent price decline in 2023. In response to these market dynamics, DRAM manufacturers adjusted their output, which, coupled with a resurgence in demand — especially for high-bandwidth memory (HBM) chips used in AI and server applications — may lead to supply constraints.

There is also speculation among industry experts that these production cuts may partly serve to artificially sustain high DRAM prices, thereby safeguarding manufacturers’ profitability following a period of reduced margins.

NAND Flash Contract Prices on the Rise

Following a similar pattern to DRAM, NAND Flash contract prices are also on the rise. NAND Flash contract prices are projected to see a 15-20% rise in the first quarter of 2024, echoing a trend similar to DRAM.

This increase is primarily driven by manufacturers raising prices aggressively to recoup losses from the previous year, amidst market outlook uncertainties. A significant factor influencing future price adjustments is the demand for enterprise SSDs, with procurement activities expected to push enterprise SSD contract prices up by 18-23%.

Additionally, eMMC and UFS products are facing substantial price hikes due to production cuts, leading to increased contract prices in the range of 18-23%, driven by the need to avoid shortages amid stable smartphone and Chromebook demand.

NAND Flash wafer contract prices are anticipated to experience a more moderate increase of about 8-13%, as manufacturers aim to enhance profits through price adjustments.

Implications for Procurement Strategies

The speculative nature of the current DRAM and NAND market situation, characterized by a lack of concrete data on production capacities and demand forecasts, presents a complex challenge for purchasing professionals.

The potential shortage raises concerns about increased costs and limited availability of essential components for products ranging from personal computers to servers and smartphones. It is imperative for procurement departments to closely monitor these developments, as they may significantly affect sourcing strategies and cost structures.

Strategic Recommendations for Purchasing Professionals

Scheduled Ordering

In response to the unpredictable fluctuations in DRAM and NAND Flash contract prices, purchasing professionals should consider adopting a scheduled ordering strategy.

Lantek Corporation’ scheduled ordering service helps mitigate the risks of price volatility and availability concerns. It allows customers to secure their annual requirements upfront and store them in a Lantek warehouse, drawing on this inventory only as needed.

This strategy offers the dual benefits of price stability and flexible inventory management without the initial financial outlay. Components can be paid for as they are deployed, ensuring a cost-effective approach to managing supply chain risks and maintaining cash flow efficiency.

Market Monitoring

Vigilant observation of DRAM price trends, production volumes, and manufacturer announcements is crucial for timely and informed decision-making.

Transparency and Communication

Engaging with suppliers to gain clearer insights into their plans and capacity allocations can help in anticipating supply challenges.


Exploring alternative memory technologies and suppliers can mitigate risks associated with supply bottlenecks and ensure continuity in component sourcing.

Inventory Management

Consider strategic stockpiling of DRAM components in anticipation of potential shortages, balancing the costs of inventory holding against the risks of supply disruptions.

Contract Negotiation

Long-term contracts with suppliers, incorporating flexible terms around volume and pricing adjustments, may provide a buffer against market volatility.

Navigating Uncertainty with Strategic Foresight

The semiconductor industry is characterized by cyclical patterns, and the current landscape of rising contract prices for both DRAM and NAND Flash reflects this trend.

In the face of these challenges and uncertainties, Lantek Corporation stands as a beacon of reliability and assurance for purchasing professionals. Our expertise as a global distributor specializing in shortage, hard to find, and obsolete electronic components positions us uniquely to support your procurement strategies amidst the potential DRAM and NAND Flash shortages.

By leveraging our extensive network and deep market insights, we ensure the timely delivery of high-quality components, mitigating the risks associated with market volatility. Our scheduled ordering services offer a strategic advantage, allowing you to lock in prices and spread deliveries throughout the year, ensuring both cost-effectiveness and supply chain stability.

Trust Lantek Corporation to navigate you through the complexities of the current market trends with strategic foresight and unparalleled reliability. Get in touch today on 1-973-579-8100 or email sales@lantekcorp.com to discuss how we can support your electronic component procurement strategy.

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